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Dragon Age City Elf Origin

Dragon Age City Elf Origin

ByFandoms:,.20 Jun 2019 Tags.SummaryNathaniel and Elissa were childhood friends, but time and distance tore them apart. In the aftermath of the Fifth Blight, and Ferelden's Civil War, both Elissa and Nathaniel must attempt reconstruct their tattered lives. As a series of events lead them to be reunited, both are reminded of so many years ago when things were much simpler. Language: English Words: 33,605 Chapters: 12/?

While a City Elf would have made a better choice for the Inquisitor than the Dalish, the Dalish got to have their fun last time, and I feel this is another instance where a City Elf works better again, so City Elf for Dragon Age 4. Dragon Age: City Elf Origin First Impressions (PC) For one thing, the Rogue is a very useful class especially early on in the game. Picking locks is very useful. I've also been more focused on how I level up this character. Whereas last time I couldn't decide which sort of combat skills I wanted to level, this time I've gone duel-weapon all the way.

Comments: Kudos: Bookmarks: Hits: 418. ByFandoms:,.19 Jun 2019 Tags.SummaryTen years ago, she had helped end the Blight. After re-establishing the Grey Wardens in Amaranthine, Hyperia Amell disappeared without a trace.until the day the Temple of Sacred Ashes exploded and the sky was torn asunder. She had already saved Thedas once and was content to retire in obscurity.but it seemed fate was not quite done with her yet.

Nor was a certain Commander from her past.(AU HoF-becomes-The Inquisitor with my canon Circle Mage from.)All screenshots are by me. All artwork by the respective artists and property of them. None may be reposted or copied.

Series.Part 2 ofLanguage: English Words: 111,472 Chapters: 41/? Comments: Kudos: Bookmarks: Hits: 2571. ByFandoms:,.19 Jun 2019 Tags.SummaryCullen left his homeland of Ferelden a broken and damaged young man. Only his internal rage and hatred of mages drove him to wake each day and continue serving in the Templar Order. Once on board that destined cargo ship, he knew a new life awaited him as a templar officer in Kirkwall’s restrictive Gallows. However, a rogue hurricane shipwrecks him on Morcant Estate, a country isle retreat off Ostwick’s coast owned by the respected House Trevelyan. Unable to continue on his journey until the end of hurricane season, Cullen finds company in the family’s beautiful and talented daughter, Evie.

An indescribable pull draws the templar towards this noble lady who deserves anyone but his attention. Her presence brings a much needed peace to his warring soul.Alas, things are not what they seem. The longer the knight remains an honored guest, the more House Trevelyan’s dark and criminal secrets surface, especially regarding the intoxicating Evie. Fate shows itself in mysterious ways, especially when lyrium branded on one’s skin.Theme Song: 'Burning In The Skies' by Linkin Park Cullen & Evie's Theme: 'Twin Flames' by In This Moment Language: English Words: 8,668 Chapters: 3/? Comments: Kudos: Bookmarks: Hits: 139. ByFandoms:,.19 Jun 2019 Tags.SummaryLeliana has just stuck her foot in her mouth somehow. THAT conversation has just happened.

If you've played an elf, you know the one. Only Ceilidh Tabris isn't the only elf in the camp. Will Zev help clear this up, or is he too pissed off?Either way, Ceilidh could use the companionship of another elf after all that, and Zevran has been meaning to talk to her anyway.

And we all know what he means by 'companionship.' Series.Part 5 ofLanguage: English Words: 10,553 Chapters: 5/5 Comments: Kudos: Bookmarks: Hits: 1374. ByFandoms:,.19 Jun 2019 Tags.SummaryElissa Cousland considers Nathaniel Howe a childhood friend, but that trust is shattered when his father, Rendon Howe, slaughters the Couslands, forcing Elissa to flee for her life and join the Grey Wardens. After Elissa and her companions defeat the Blight, however, fate forces them together again as they come face-to-face in Amaranthine—not as old friends, but as enemies. Language: English Words: 15,677 Chapters: 7/? Kudos: Bookmarks: Hits: 84. ByFandoms:,.19 Jun 2019 Tags.SummaryIt's the classic story of Elf meets Mirror, Mirror almost kills Elf, Elf becomes Grey Warden, Elf meets Boy, Elf and Boy face Blight.

You all know how it goes, right?It'll be a long one, with all the chapters and all the words, and some swears, some violence, maybe even some romance. Definitely adult themes. Series.Part 1 ofLanguage: English Words: 55,178 Chapters: 11/? Comments: Kudos: Bookmarks: Hits: 116.

ByFandoms:,.19 Jun 2019 Tags.SummaryCaden Tabris never actively went looking for trouble, but it found her on her wedding day no less! A deadly encounter with a noble human sparked off a journey Caden never expected, tearing her from her family in the process. Caden must learn to trust again, battling her demons from her previous life, possibly even finding a new family if she can stop resisting her fellow Wardens attempts at kindness.Disclaimers: BioWare owns everything, including a portion of my soul; I'm just grateful to play and write in their world. Story title comes from Brandi Carliles amazing song Hard Way Home. (This is also posted on FF.net as is the previous draft of this work under the title This Is War.) Series.Part 1 ofLanguage: English Words: 46,697 Chapters: 11/? Comments: Kudos: Bookmarks: Hits: 113.

ByFandoms:,.19 Jun 2019 Tags.SummaryCullen Rutherford firmly believes redheads are bad luck thanks to his experiences with the Hero of Ferelden and the Champion of Kirkwall. When one comes flying out of a tear in the sky, Cullen finds himself resigned to plodding through this Inquisition and working with the Inquisitor-even if she has red hair. And asks too many invasive questions. And begs everyone to not hunt the nugs and fennecs around Haven.

And has a nasty habit of sneaking up on him.And even if he finds her dreadfully attractive.Solas came to the village of Haven on a mission. Having his mission thwarted only to have to place faith in a human woman is enough to drive him to insanity. Even more upsetting is his growing attraction and eventual obsession with a being he deems inferior to him. Darker things in him, things he thought long buried, begin to rear their heads.Valentina Trevelyan always has a joke. When she doesn't have a joke, she's always willing to flirt. If she can't flirt, she has knives. Anything she can do at all to keep people from seeing that the Herald is one wrong move away from crying in front of the entire Inquisition.

Language: English Words: 10,346 Chapters: 5/? Comments: Kudos: Bookmarks: Hits: 644. ByFandoms:,.19 Jun 2019 Tags.SummaryHis love remains vigilant over the span of fifteen years. From the moment he is assigned to watch over the Harrowing of his innocent crush, Cullen recognizes that his devotion blossoms beyond his duty for the Order.

Asher Amell, a mage who is determined to use her knowledge and abilities for the good of the people, realizes that her principles may be what stands between her personal desires and purpose. From a Broken Circle to the rise of the Inquisition, two people witness the world fall apart as they question everything they once held dear.There is a planned outline for 75 chapters, covering events from 9:29 - 9:44 Dragon. Major Canon Divergence. Now we're actually NSFW (about time!): ^: Language: English Words: 93,985 Chapters: 27/75 Comments: Kudos: Bookmarks: Hits: 1413. ByFandoms:,.18 Jun 2019 Tags.SummaryIt is the year 9:21. Empress Celene, newly crowned, must stand against Nevarra as it unleashes the might of its army onto Orlais. In Kirkwall, Viscount Threnhold shocks the Chantry by expelling the Templars from his city.

The young prince Sebastian Vael finds himself stripped of home and title, locked away inside the Chantry’s walls. Goldanna, an orphan, leaves Redcliffe, the only place she has ever known, to make something of herself.A fancomic. Series.Part 1 ofLanguage: English Words: 273 Chapters: 91/? Comments: Kudos: Hits: 655. ByFandoms:,.18 Jun 2019 Tags.SummaryA collection of all the things too small to give their own post - generally prompts I receive. Tags will be updated accordingly!

Multiple relationships, but the majority is: Fenris x Hawke, Zevran x Warden, Dorian x Inquisitor, etc etc. (Too many to fully tag - all relationships specified in the title so you can find what exactly you want.) A little something for everyone!

Series.Part 3 ofLanguage: English Words: 690 Chapters: 2/? Kudos: Bookmarks: Hits: 159.

ByFandoms:,.18 Jun 2019 Tags.SummaryIlaria Zavetnya was a mess of contradictions with a flair for the delightfully dramatic. Thrust into a world she's only ever imagined, she has to figure out how to survive in Thedas when not only is she from a completely different world, but she holds the secrets of forgotten empires and the rulers of the day inside her mind. What should she tell, and what should never be spoken of in light of day?

Series.Part 1 ofLanguage: English Words: 86,778 Chapters: 26/? Comments: Kudos: Bookmarks: Hits: 5795. ByFandoms:,.18 Jun 2019 Tags.SummaryWhen Solas awakes to a world much changed from the one he knew, he struggles to regain composure of himself.

In his grief he decides upon what must be done. When his plans are set into motion, however, he is met unexpectedly by a human woman.

Dragon Age Elves

A woman who claims to know him. He sees his plans unravel before him as she appears to have the gift of foresight.The first part of this story is told only from Solas POV, but will change later on.Eventual romance, smut and all that fun stuff.Disclaimer: Everything is owned by BioWare.

I just play there. Series.Part 1 ofLanguage: English Words: 206,666 Chapters: 48/?

This article describes a work or element of fiction in a primarily style. ( January 2010) This list of characters describes notable characters who appear in the games,. This list describes only protagonists, antagonists, party members and major supporting characters that appear in the games. Certain characters have names chosen by the player (such as the protagonist in each game). These characters are designated the name they are addressed by in-game. In the case of party members, personal quests are also noted as these explore the characters' background.

Dragon Age II protagonists. From left to right: Fenris, Isabela, Varric, Aveline, female 'Hawke', Bethany, Merrill, Anders, Sebastian and Tallis. Not pictured: Carver, who is only available to the mage class. Hawke Race: HumanClass: Chosen by PlayerGender: Chosen by PlayerVoiced by: Nicholas Boulton (Male) and (Female)Hawke is the of the main protagonist of Dragon Age II, a human who lived in Lothering during the Blight in Ferelden.

Elf update by tmp7704

Hawke escaped the darkspawn invasion by fleeing north to the Free Marches, eventually rising from an impoverished refugee to become the Champion of Kirkwall and ultimately, an outcast again. The player decides Hawke's gender, appearance, personality, combat specialization, political affiliation and, although the latter is never used. Unlike the Warden from the first game, Hawke's origin story is fixed and differs only slightly as a result of the class chosen. Hawke reappears in, having gone into hiding following the events of II. They work alongside the Inquisition to investigate the actions of the Grey Wardens in Orlais. Players could recreate their own custom Hawke using an in-game editor, and import their personality, class and accomplishments using the Dragon Age Keep.Antagonists Knight-Commander Meredith Stannard Voiced by:Knight-Commander Meredith Stannard (mainly referred to as Meredith) is the commander of the Templars in Kirkwall and the antagonist of Act III of Dragon Age II.

She is the ruler of Kirkwall in all but name; the of Kirkwall, Marlowe Dumar, dares not oppose her and Grand Cleric Elthina, her superior in command, does not do so. Following the viscount's death, Meredith assumes control over the city, and prevents any vote to elect a new Viscount to proceed. Kirkwall quickly becomes a that Meredith rules with an iron fist, giving free rein to her cronies amongst the Order to do as they please in abusing the mages and dominating the civilian population of the city.As the game progresses, she evolves from having extreme views on controlling mages, to a paranoid delusions that all members of the Circle of Magi are blood mages and all who defy her are under their influence. During the climax of the game, Anders blows up the Chantry and openly announces his own guilt.

Meredith invokes the Right of Annulment, an order to kill every member of the Kirkwall's Circle of Magi, despite the fact all of whom had no involvement in the destruction. After a devastating war, it is revealed that Meredith has purchased an idol made of a previously-lost red variation of lyrium recovered by Hawke and Varric in the Deep Roads in Act I, which was taken and later sold by Varric's brother, Bartrand. The red lyrium has granted her superhuman abilities, but has also caused her insanity, as it did to Bartrand and began to do to Varric.

Hawke is forced to fight Meredith as the game's final and kill her.First Enchanter Orsino Voiced by:Head of the Circle in Kirkwall, he clashes constantly with Meredith over her treatment of mages and growing power in the city. Their most consistent topic of unrest is the thought that the mages use blood magic (which, Orsino admits, he never uses until the final battle), a fact they debate over in every dialogue together and even when they reference each other for missions. During the final battle he reveals that he had links to the deranged necromancer Quentin (who murdered Hawke's mother and several other women in Kirkwall) and, in desperation from the advancing Templars, uses blood magic to use the dead bodies surrounded him to transform into a monstrous Harvester. He is finally killed by Hawke, regardless of which side Hawke chooses to fight for.The Arishok Voiced by:Leader of the Qunari stranded in Kirkwall after their ship was wrecked in a storm chasing after Isabela, who stole their relic. Despite the Qunari's history as foreign occupiers, he states he has no intention of conquering Kirkwall, as he has a demand to satisfy of their religion, the Qun. He is sickened by the people who inhabit Kirkwall and after tensions between his people and the residents boil, he attempts to take Kirkwall by force, killing the viscount.

During the climax of the invasion in the Viscount's Keep, Hawke must deal with the Arishok. If Isabela returns the relic, he can leave Kirkwall with it, and her. Refusing to let him take her will cause the Arishok to duel Hawke. If Isabela does not return, Hawke can still duel the Arishok if Fenris is present, or if the Arishok has a high opinion of Hawke. If the duel is refused, or none of the prerequisites are met, Hawke and his party will kill all of the Qunari, including the Arishok.Corypheus Voiced by:Introduced in the Legacy DLC, Corypheus is an ancient and powerful Darkspawn held in a prison deep within the Vimmark Mountains. Corypheus is one of the original Magisters- mages from Tevinter that broke into the Maker's Golden City centuries ago to claim it for their own selfish, power-hungry reasons.

Their actions turned the city black and turned the Magisters into the first Darkspawn. He was able to be locked into the prison and put into a 1000-year sleep though unknown means, with it being magically resealed by Hawke's father 30 years before the events of Dragon Age II. In the Legacy DLC, he is able to influence both Janeka and Larius, two Grey Wardens in charge of guarding the prison. Larius was able to keep Corypheus from corrupting him, though Janeka wasn't so lucky.


Larius wishes to kill Corypheus to end this while Janeka wants to turn him into a weapon. Corypheus also enticed a Dwarvin Carta to attack Hawke and either his sister Bethany or brother Carter, depending on who survived the prologue of the game, to get their blood to release him. It failed, so Hawke and his companions, with Bethany and Carter as potential party members, travel to the Vimmark Mountains, where they are trapped by magical barriers. After meeting Janeka and Larius, he is told that the only way out is through Corypheus. Siding with either Janeka or Larius, which results in the other being killed, Hawke releases Corypheus, who is confused by the modern world. Hawke & Co then fight Corypheus, seemingly killing him.

Unknown to Hawke, Corypheus' soul transferred to either Janeka or Larius, who leaves after imparting some menacing words. Corypheus would go on to be the main villain for.Party Members in Dragon Age: II Varric Tethras Voiced by:Varric is a surface dwarf, a member of Dwarven merchant's guild and a known associate of Hawke. The video game's intro shows him captured and interrogated by Cassandra Pentaghast, a Seeker of the Chantry (fictional equivalent of the ); thus Varric becomes the narrator of the Dragon Age II story. Varric first meets Hawke roughly a year after the Hawke family has arrived in Kirkwall and makes them a partner in an expedition into the perilous region of The Deep Roads. They remain close friends until the end of the game, when they are inevitably separated.The Tethras family was once part of the noble caste in Orzammar, until Varric's father was caught fixing a tournament known as the Proving. Such was the disgrace and danger to the family that the household had no choice but to leave for the surface. Varric was born a year after House Tethras left for the surface, so he has no love for the Dwarves living underground.Varric is a black sheep amongst dwarves; his appearance, attire or conduct resembles that of no other dwarf in the game.

He is a playable character of the class and wields Bianca, a unique crossbow. He likes storytelling, especially when he has the chance of deviating from factual accuracy to make the story more interesting.

Twice he dares risking such a feat in his narration, triggering the wrath of his interrogator.Varric appears in the Dragon Age digital comics series The Silent Grove, Those Who Speak and Until We Sleep. In the Silent Grove, Varric accompanies Isabela and Alistair in the latter's quest to find out the whereabouts of his father King Maric to Antiva City where they infiltrate the headquarters of the Antivan Crows. Varric disarms the traps inside before the trio are confronted by Prince Claudio Valisti. Back at a brothel, Varric discusses what is to come next with Alistair.Varric assists in the infiltration of Velabanchel prison, opening the gates.

However, he inadvertently alerts the Antivan Crows, causing a huge battle to ensue. After escaping Velabanchel, Varric once again discusses Alistair's intentions. He accompanies his companions into the Tellari swamps, where they are attacked by a high dragon, before being met by Yavana, who calms the beast. After speaking with Yavana, the trio are attacked by Claudio Valisti and his men. Alistair allows himself to be dragged away in exchange for Varric and Isabela's lives.

The pair return to the Silent Grove and Varric convinces Yavana to help with Alistair's rescue. The witch places a mysterious enchantment on Varric and Isabela, and merely says that the two will 'play their part' when Varric asks what she will gain from the bargain. Varric then storms Valisti's camp alongside Isabela, rescuing Alistair.They go to a ball in a city in Tevinter Imperium where Titus is expected to show up. Varric there has a friend, Magister Maevaris Tilani, who is the widow of Varric's cousin, Thorold. She helps Varric and his companions by asking Lord Devon to keep Isabela's ship off the registry. When the brawl finished Isabela managed to capture one of the Titus' men alive whom they took back to the pirate ship. Varric interrogated the minion and tricked him into revealing to Varric that Titus is in Seheron.However, when the ship was sailing towards the Magister's stronghold, two Qunari dreadnoughts showed up.

Dragon Age City Elf Origin

After a short fight, Alistair, Varric and Isabela along with the crew was captured and was sent to a Qunari prison. Sten is revealed to be the new Arishok following the previous' death at the hands of the Champion of Kirkwall.When Isabela managed to escape from her cell, she freed Alistair and Varric before she went to free her crew as well. Alistair and Varric then fought their way out of the prison, only to encounter Sten in the exit holding a giant maul and since Varric didn't have his Bianca with him to assist effectively, the fight ended up in a duel between Alistair and Sten. Varric then tried to go back and find another way out but as soon as he opened the door to enter the prison again, he found a large number of Qunari guards waiting. He cunningly told them that their Arishok is in an honorable duel with Alistair so both Varric and the guards started watching the duel instead.When Alistair defeated Sten, he refused to kill him and instead invited him to help him in his quest against their mutual enemy, Magister Titus.

Sten agreed to the invitation of the King of Ferelden so Isabela got back her pirate ship and her crew and along with Alistair and Varric started sailing to Titius stronghold in Seheron accompanied by two Qunari dreadnoughts and Sten. Varric infiltrates the stronghold, frees Tilani -who had been taken prisoner- and finds Marric. However, after taking down Aurelius, the party is forced to kill Maric out of mercy.

They then all go their separate ways.Bethany Hawke Voiced by:One of the Hawke twins and a mage. She fled Lothering to escape the Blight with her family. Dependent on player's class, either Bethany or her twin brother Carver will die protecting their mother from an ogre as they flee the darkspawn onslaught of Lothering.If Bethany survives and the player brings her to the Deep Roads, she dies unless Anders is also brought along, who will persuade the Grey Warden, Stroud, to enlist her, effectively saving her life. If left behind, Bethany is captured and forced into the Kirkwall Circle of Magi, a quarantine facility meant to separate mages from the normal populace. In either case, Bethany will not be available until the end of the game or during certain DLCs.Bethany employs magic in combat. Her specialty is Force Magic which involves the use of to hurl, knock down, stun and harm enemies.Carver Hawke Voiced by: Nico LennonThe elder of the Hawke twins, Carver specializes in two-handed swords.

He is generally at odds with his elder sibling, due to their having taken over their father's role after his death, and possibly due to Carver being the only non-magical child in the family. He fled Lothering to escape the Blight with his family. Dependent on player class, either Carver (if the player is a rogue or warrior) or his twin sister Bethany (if the player is a mage) will die protecting their mother from an ogre as they flee the darkspawn onslaught of Lothering.If Carver survives and the player takes him on the Deep Roads expedition, he will contract the Taint and die unless Anders is also taken, whereupon Carver can join the Grey Wardens. If he is left behind, he joins the Kirkwall Templars, the military branch of the Chantry trained to control the mages under their watch. In either case, Carver will not be available until the end of the game or during certain DLCsCarver takes the anti-magic combat specialization of the Templars, allowing him to prevent enemies from using special techniques.Aveline Vallen Voiced by:Aveline is the daughter of an exiled chevalier from Orlais who was born in Fereldan and served in the army of King Cailan before his death.

She and her Templar husband Wesley meet the Hawkes on their flight from Lothering; Wesley dies during their escape in a mercy killing by either Hawke or Aveline to stop the Darkspawn taint from turning him into a ghoul. Aveline joins the Hawkes in escaping to Kirkwall, where she eventually becomes a member of city guard. She is later promoted to the Captain of the Guard after exposing the former Captain's corruption.Aveline is one of the two companions with whom the player cannot initiate a romance, although she can be flirted with and will give Hawke a kiss.

During the course of the game, she falls in love with Donnic, a guardsman under her command, and can marry him with the player's encouragement.Originally a warrior specializing in two-handed weapons, Aveline switches to a single-handed sword and shield when her husband falls in battle during the Prologue and remains such throughout the game. Her default specialization is to serve as a, attracting and absorbing hostile fire.Isabela Voiced by: Mika Simmons in Dragon Age: Origins; Victoria Kruger in Dragon Age IIThe former captain of the pirate ship The Siren's Call and previously a minor character in Dragon Age: Origins, she resides in Kirkwall after being shipwrecked and can be enlisted into player's party. Unbeknownst to all, Isabela is the main reason behind the military presence of the Qunari race in Kirkwall as she stole a much-craved artifact from the Qunari. Depending on the player's choices, she may return the artifact to the Qunari Arishok (commander-in-chief). The Arishok demands that she be taken prisoner as well. The player can either comply, duel the Arishok or engage the entire Qunari force in combat.Isabela is scantily dressed and promiscuous. However, she confesses that as a ship captain, she must part with promiscuity and treat men under her command with extreme charisma as to not to give them a chance of mutiny.

She holds little respect for laws and considers monetary gain the only reason to embark on an adventure. The only exception however is the lucrative business of slaves trade which, much to Aveline's surprise, Isabela considers evil. She is another rogue character but prefers daggers and stealth in combat, or provoking enemies to attack her at severely weakened penalties.Isabela is a major character of the digital comics Dragon Age: The Silent Grove, Dragon Age: Those Who Speak and Dragon Age: Until We Sleep with the second providing her with more background. The plot follows Alistair - who is King of Ferelden - as he searches for his father, former King of Ferelden Maric Theirin, with hers and Varric Tethras' help.

It is revealed that Isabela's birth name is Naishe, but, when she became a pirate the first ship's captain she served under began to call her 'Isabela', his 'little beauty', as a joke. She eventually adopted the name as her pseudonym. She is originally from Rivain, but has traveled extensively throughout the world of Thedas. Her mother converted to the Qun during the Qunari occupation of Rivain and sold Isabela into marriage with an associate of the Antivan Crows, Luis, when she refused to convert. Luis was a rich man, and bought Isabela many fine things, but the marriage was loveless and she was treated as his 'plaything'. She ultimately had Luis assassinated by Zevran Arainai after he asked her to 'entertain' his friends.

She then stole Luis' ship, and took up the pirate's life. Isabela became extremely promiscuous, and soon became a feared raider—the 'Queen of the Eastern Seas'.In The Silent Grove, Isabela accompanies Varric and King Alistair to Antiva City, where they infiltrate the headquarters of the Antivan Crows. After meeting Prince Claudio Valisti - a former 'business partner' of Isabela's late husband - Isabela warns Alistair to not trust a word Claudio says. Isabela assists in infiltrating Velabanchel, and - along with Varric - holds off the Antivan Crows while Alistair goes after his target. Isabela captains the ship she and her companions use to escape Velabanchel, later navigating through the Tellari swamps.

She is the first to attempt to defend Alistair from attack from Yavana's high dragon.While leaving the swamps following their meeting with Yavana in the Silent Grove, Claudio pierces her with an arrow and kidnaps Alistair in exchange for Isabela and Varric's lives. Isabela swears to hunt Claudio down and kill him. After retreating to the Silent Grove, Isabela demands that Yavana save Alistair. The witch replies that it is not her concern, but Varric bargains with her and Yavana heals Isabela's wound. The two then storm Claudio's camp.

Isabela engages Claudio in a duel with him taunting her with her past and allegations. Isabella, however, kills him.In Those Who Speak, Isabella and her companions travel to a Tevinter city and attend a ball, where she meets a person she appears to be familiar with - Lord Devon. She seems to have a long-lasting hatred for him.

Devon in his turn is surprised that she is alive. In a conversation 'eye-to-eye' he mentions that Isabela owes him and threatens to reveal to Alistair what happened at the Venefication Sea. She intimidates him into silence by drawing out her dagger. Finally, Aurelian Titus arrives. Alistair confronts him, but he flees, leaving his minions to fight for him. The last of them occasionally wounds Devon.

Isabela knocks Devon's offender unconscious to the floor, but as he is muttering thanks she stabs Devon in his chest. She tells her companions that he was killed by Titus's man.She is eventually captured by the Qunari (with Sten as their new Arishok) along with Alistair and Varric. She is interrogated by a qunari named Rasaan who tries to forcefully convert her to the Qun. She escapes, frees Alistair, Varric and her crew before defeating Rasaan.

She then sails with her companions and the kunari, with whom Alistair forged an alliance, towards Magister Aurelius Titus' stronghold. They eventually find Maric but are forced to kill him out of mercy after taking down Aurelius. Isabela and her companions then go their separate ways.Isabela appears as a downloadable character in the multiplayer.Merrill Voiced by: Erin Matthews in Dragon Age: Origins; in Dragon Age IIMerrill is a mage and the 'First' to the Keeper of her Dalish clan. She originally appeared in the Dalish Elf origin story in Dragon Age: Origins, at a time when her clan was traveling through Ferelden. The clan travelled north to escape the Blight shortly afterwards and settled at Sundermount, a peak to the north of Kirkwall. Merrill is a companion and potential love interest for Hawke.Hawke recruits Merrill when Keeper Marethari (whom Hawke was dealing with due to a debt owed to Flemeth) requests that Hawke escort her to Kirkwall, due to Merrill's desire to leave the clan. Merrill's obsession with restoring an ancient magical mirror known as an eluvian (seen in Origins) and her use of blood magic to do so have caused a rift between her and her clan; she views it as an artifact which could help the Dalish regains their lost history and culture, while the Keeper thinks it's too dangerous.

She eventually requests Hawke to help her requisition a needed tool from the Keeper in exchange for a service to the clan, which the player can later refuse to give to her. In Act III she requests that Hawke to help her contact the demon that gave her power in order to finish restoring the mirror.

Knowing that it is trap, the Keeper intervenes and allows the demon to possess her, leading to her death. This causes a confrontation with the clan, and depending on Hawke's decision it can either end up with Merrill being banished from the clan or the slaughter of the clan.Despite her rich knowledge of Dalish history and magic, Merrill is ignorant to the non-Dalish world around her.

Her naivety and inability to consider broader repercussions of her actions leads to much of the tragedy in her life; however, by the end of the game, she is shown to have learnt from it. Merrill develops strong friendships with Isabela and Varric, and has adversarial relationships with Anders and Fenris.Merrill uses magic in combat, and her specialization is 'Dalish Pariah', a combination of nature magic and blood magic.Anders Voiced by: ( Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening), ( Dragon Age II) and Adam Leadbeater (as Justice in Dragon Age II)Anders is a Grey Warden mage and returning companion from Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening. Prior to Dragon Age II, Anders agreed to host the spirit Justice, another Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening companion, to help mages fight for freedom from the Chantry. He is a companion and potential love interest for a Hawke of either gender.Anders is first seen in Kirkwall's Darktown giving aid to refugees, healing them free of charge. He convinces Hawke to help rescue a friend from the Templars in return for maps of the Deep Roads, but finds him turned Tranquil (effectively lobotomized).

In his anger, it is revealed that Anders merged with Justice and unintentionally turned him into Vengeance. As such, Anders struggles to maintain control of his own body and mind. He may then be enlisted into player's party. Over the course of the game, Anders has adversarial relationships with Fenris (who detests Anders's status as an abomination), Merrill (whom Anders tries to call into account for her blood magic), and Sebastian (whom Anders antagonizes on religious grounds). Anders will usually develop feelings for Hawke even if they do not initiate a full romance with Anders.During the third act, with or without Hawke's assistance, he destroys the Kirkwall Chantry, killing the Grand Cleric and several others.

This in turn leads Knight Commander Meredith to invoke the Right of Annulment, sparking a war between the Templars and the Mages. Hawke has the option of executing him for his crime, banishing him, or ordering him to fight and make amends. However, choosing to spare him will enrage Sebastian, who demands justice for the slain Grand Cleric. If Anders is spared and banished, he still returns; if Hawke sides with the Templars, in most cases he will attack Hawke and is slain, whereas if Hawke sides with the mages, he asks to help, an offer that can be accepted or refused.

If refused, realizing he is no longer welcome, Anders bids Hawke good luck and leaves for good.Anders is very compassionate and loves to help the downtrodden. Anders detests Kirkwall Templars. He uses magic in combat and his specialization is a variation of Spirit Healer. Through it, he heals wounded allies, rises fallen allies and channels the power of Vengeance to boost his own damage.Fenris Voiced by:Fenris (birth name Leto) is a Tevinter elf and former slave who lost his memory due to the lyrium (a hazardous liquid metal with magical properties) being infused into his flesh, rendering him averse to physical contact but also giving him superhuman combat abilities. He escaped his master, Danarius (a Tevinter magister), and has been hunted ever since. He is a potential companion and love interest for both a male or female Hawke.The name Fenris means 'Little Wolf;' this is the name Danarius gave to him after he won a competition and was appointed Danarius' personal body guard. Up until a certain point in the game, Fenris has no memory of his past name, Leto, and remains with the title.In Act III, Fenris manages to contact his sister, Varania, having been told of her existence by one of his master's pupils in Act II.

The meeting turns out a trap set up by his former master. Hawke can either turn Fenris over to Danarius, thus losing him permanently, or defend Fenris and engage in combat against Danarius and his thugs. After killing the magister, he can either spare or kill Varania. If she is allowed to live, she later reveals that Fenris actually asked and competed for the lyrium markings to save her and his mother from slavery.Fenris is a who is unable or unwilling to live a happy life. For seven years, he lives alone in an abandoned dilapidated mansion whose roof is in tatters and its floor strewn with corpses.

His favorite pastime, as Varric pointedly puts it, is brooding. Magic in general is the scapegoat which Fenris does not lose the opportunity to criticize and vilify, this is due to his fear of magic because of his poor history of it being used against him. He often verbally spars with mage companions, particularly Anders. He and Merrill are on less-than-friendly terms, but he tolerates her - barely. In spite of this, he will respond positively to the advances of a mage Hawke.Fenris employs two-handed melee weapons in combat. His specialty is known as Tevinter Fugitive and involves channeling the power of the imbued lyrium to improve combat efficiency, with properties similar to a reaver, allowing Fenris to move faster and do more damage as he gets hurt.Sebastian Vael Voiced by:A character only available through The Exiled Prince DLC. An archer of noble birth, Sebastian was a brother of the Kirkwall Chantry until his family was murdered.

Depending the player's choices throughout the three acts, Sebastian may stay a brother of the Chantry or leave it to attend political concerns. Sebastian is a romantic interest for a female Hawke only.During the climax of the game, Sebastian is a character with a unique point of view: Whereas the concern of everybody else is whether to side with the mages or the Templars (as well as how to justify their choice), Sebastian's concern is that Anders has committed genocide and must be punished.

If Hawke disregards this concern, Sebastian leaves, promising vengeance. If Hawke executes Anders, Sebastian regards them worthy of following and follows them in combat.Sebastian uses as weapon. His specialization, Royal Archer, increases his combat effectiveness in one-on-one fights.Tallis Voiced by:Tallis is a female Elven Ben-Hassrath assassin who works for the Qunari and is only available through Mark of Assassin DLC. Tallis was formerly an Elven slave until the Qunari took the slaves and she converted to the Qun, where she was given several names before becoming Tallis (Qunlat for 'To Solve'). Tallis also appears as the lead character of, a six-part.

Tallis is voiced by and modeled after, who also stars as Tallis in the webseries.Tallis is different from other companions: She is only available as a mandatory companion when the player is playing the main quest of Mark of the Assassin DLC during which no other quests outside the DLC may be played. Once the said quest is completed, Tallis leaves for good.

Tallis is a rogue character and uses daggers in combat. Unlike Isabela, Tallis also employs unique throwing knives for ranged attacks.

Her combat specialty called Infiltrator allows her to win close quarter encounters with a single foe.Characters in Dragon Age: Inquisition Main article:Protagonist The Inquisitor ( Dragon Age: Inquisition) Race: Chosen by PlayerClass: Chosen by PlayerGender: Chosen by PlayerThe Inquisitor is the protagonist of the third installment of the Dragon Age series, Dragon Age: Inquisition. In addition to the human, elf, and dwarf player race options presented in previous games, players now have the option to select the qunari race, a race of horned, gray-skinned giants from the north. The Inquisitor is sent to the Conclave at the Temple of Sacred Ashes as an envoy of the interests of whichever group (race-related) they represent. When the Temple is destroyed, the Inquisitor is flung through the Fade with Divine Justinia V. As a result of events just before the explosion and the opening of the Breach, the Inquisitor is marked with magic that allows them to close fade rifts and defeat the game's primary antagonist, Corypheus.Antagonist Corypheus Voiced by:Corypheus was introduced as the primary antagonist in Dragon Age: Inquisition. His goals in this game are to use an ancient elven artifact to tear a rift in the veil so that he may physically walk in the Fade and usurp divine power from the Maker.

When he sacrifices the Divine at the Conclave, the Inquisitor interrupts his ritual and is branded with a magical mark that allows them to close rifts and defy Corypheus. Though Corypheus attempts to recruit both mages and templars to serve under him, he will only be successful with one of these groups. Whichever group the Inquisitor does not intervene with will fall under the control of Corypheus. Corypheus uses red lyruim, a form of raw magic corrupted by the darkspawn plague, to empower himself and his followers.The Red Templars The Red Templars will make up the bulk of Corypheus's forces should the Inquisitor seek the help of the apostate mages in Redcliff, via the quest 'In Hushed Whispers.'

Because of the Inquisition's focus on helping mages, Corypheus is able to lure the templars from the Chantry and into his pocket. Their namesake stems from their use of red lyrium. Uncorrupted templars are given their powers from the use of normal lyrium. When red lyrium is used as a substitute, they become more powerful- but at a terrible cost. Use of red lyrium in this way causes massive physical deformation, madness, and crystalization of the body into red lyrium itself.

This faction is led by Samson, who used to be a templar under the Chantry.The Venatori The Venatori will make up the bulk of Corypehus's forces should the Inquisitor seek the help of the templar order at Therinfall Redoubt, via the quest 'Champions of the Just.' The Venatori are a cult of Tevinter mages that have organized around helping Corypheus become a god.

The Venatori are known as maleficarum, blood mages who use life force to fuel their magic. Venatori mages can be found in multiple areas of the game, no matter what faction the Inquisitor chooses to side with.Party Members Varric Tethras Voiced by:Varric returns as a full party member in, where he is revealed to be a professional author. He is taken to the Conclave to give his story of the events of Dragon Age II to Divine Justinia, and later signs on with the Inquisition following the destruction of the Conclave.

He is revealed to have lied to Cassandra about not knowing Hawke's whereabouts, out of fear that his friend would be put in danger if he co-operated.Supporting Characters Morrigan Voiced by: Race: Human Class: Mage Gender: FemaleMorrigan returns in where she has managed to secure herself the position of arcane adviser to Empress Celine of Orlais. She meets the Inquisitor when the former is sent to the Celine's palace to foil an assassination attempt. After the threat has been dealt with, Morrigan is assigned to act as a liaison on behalf of Orlais and returns to the Inquisition's base where a suspicious Leliana eventually relents and allows her to stay. Depending on the decision made by the Warden in Origins, she may appear with bring her son, Kieran (who will be in possession of an Old God soul if the ritual was taken or is a normal child if the Warden slept with Morrigan but did not go through with her plan).

Morrigan proves invaluable during the Inquisition's mission to thwart evil darkspawn Corypheus from reaching the Well of Sorrows, an ancient magical pool that contains the knowledge of the elven people. When they reach the Well, Morrigan announces her desire to absorb the powers of the Well for herself but if the Inquisitor is a mage, she can be convinced to stand down and allow them to drink instead. If Morrigan's ritual was performed, Leliana will call the Inquisitor, telling them that Morrigan ran through an Eluvian after Kieran disappeared.

Morrigan and the Inquisitor find Kieran in the Fade with Flemeth, who sensed his Old God soul. When the pair try to attack her, Flemeth reveals herself to be an elven goddess and uses her magic to paralyse whoever drank from the Well.

Flemeth delivers an ultimatum: she keeps Kieran and Morrigan is free to go or Kieran is returned to his mother but they will forever be hunted by her. Morrigan demands Kieran back and Flemeth agrees, absorbing the Old soul before departing. If Kieran is not in possession of the Old God soul or was never born, Flemeth is encountered when attempting to locate a dragon to fight Corypheus. If Morrigan drank from the Well, she gains the ability to shapeshift into a dragon and battles Corypheus' dragon.

After the battle, Morrigan (and Kieran if he was born) leave the Inquisition for parts unknown.References.

Dragon Age City Elf Origin